Entries by Kirsty

Electric Vehicles and Surge Protection

By their very nature, EV chargers are both sensitive (limited impulse withstand capacity) and exposed to overvoltage. In fact, quite a few EV charger manufacturers will specify that an SPD should be installable or mention surge protection in the warranty details. So where is the risk of damage? EV chargers are installed outside; therefore, they […]

Should you test an SPD?

With the increase in the application of surge protection devices to our electrical installations, we have seen an increase in testers being marketed as able to test an SPD. This raises the question: Should we test SPDs? The simple answer is no. Any test on an SPD will involve passing voltage though the device to […]

Site Survey’s for Surge Protection

As a company we have always offered site surveys for complex electrical installations, but during the pandemic, when we couldn’t travel, we also found that we can offer an excellent service remotely, which helps us get to site faster. There as some situations, where an in-person site visit is still recommended, but for the majority […]

Surge Protection – FAQ’s

Since the release of the 18th edition there has been an increase in the use of surge protection devices, this is only growing with the additional requirements in amendment 2. As always, with a new subject matter, there is a few frequently asked questions that hopefully I have covered below: Question Answer   Will an […]

The Importance of CPD Post-Pandemic

The industry view of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) has really shifted during the pandemic. Electricians having more free time on their hands, turned to upskilling themselves, but I think this has really highlighted how little training and further learning was being undertaken by the industry pre-COVID. Competence scheme providers have long been advocates of CPD, […]